Saturday, February 20, 2010

Amanda's page

Amanda requests her own page each week. She is always willing to pose for her page. Be sure to leave comments for Amanda!

Grace is the new big sister! She's the best big sister ever!

Brian did a great job in art today!

Chris, the tall guy, is Noah's dad. He not only helps with CC but he does a remarkable job cleaning each week. Thank you Chris! Pastor Jimmy always defers my gratitude for allowing to use this facility by explaining that this is God's building. So, Pastor Jimmy graciously allows us to use the building God entrusted to him. Thank you Pastor Jimmy.

Madison is truly a princess.

Game time during lunch!

Jill, a professional ballet instructor and her son Justin taught us ballet in Muscles in Motion this afternoon. We sashayed, jumped and twirled.

Jack's ballet moves are inspirational.

Pammy's head nearly hit the ceiling!

Brian was quite proud of his ballet moves. Jill will have to add the correct grammar so I don't mess it up too badly!

Ethan and Evan playing with legos after CC.